5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Travel Domain Name

5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Travel Domain Name
5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Travel Domain Name
Written by Linda Hohnholz

Choosing a travel domain name is a big decision, especially in the competitive travel industry. Your URL is one of the first things people see when they start their online travel research, and it’s included in all of your promotions.

Beyond making sure it conveys your travel business name or services, here are five additional things you’ll want to think about to make sure that your domain name helps your business grow:

1. A .com domain isn’t your only option

Don’t worry if your-business-name-dot-com is already taken. There’s no need to rename your business or choose another URL that’s not a good fit. Use it to your advantage and get a domain that’s even MORE specific to your business, such as .travel or .tours, or .vacations. Many businesses are opting for creative options like www.spa.holiday, www.myjet.flights, or www.rutascostarica.viajes for Spanish speaking travelers. You’ll still capture the traffic, and your website visitors are more likely to be people looking for exactly what you offer.

2. Keep your URL specific to your industry

The travel industry is highly competitive, and future travelers typically start their research online. Choosing a travel-related domain instead of .com will make you stand out among other online listings and instantly convey what you’re all about.

3. Shine a spotlight on what sets you apart

Your services are unique, and your URL should convey that. Look for a domain extension that communicates your niche, such as .guide, .flights, or .tours. You’ll catch the eye of travelers looking for the specific service you offer, and they’ll be delighted to work with someone who’s confidently declaring it as their specialty. Check out www.active.cruises and www.u.vacations for inspiration.

4. Keep your domain name short and easy to read

Don’t try to cram a long business name into your domain name. When all of the words are joined together without spaces in your URL, it can be hard to decipher. A good workaround is to choose a domain extension that doubles as one of the words in your URL. For example, instead of using www.kimberleywildernesstravel.com, choose www.kimberleywilderness.travel. It’s shorter and easier to read at a glance.

5. Register more than one domain and use them for targeted marketing

If your business includes more than one service, register different domains that are specific to each of your services and run targeted campaigns using those URLs. For example, you could purchase www.yourbusiness.travel to use in general marketing, www.yourbusiness.tours in a campaign promoting your most popular tours, and www.yourbusiness.guide any place you want to highlight the way you help guests immerse in local culture with the help of friendly local guides.

Royal Caribbean does this well. They use www.royalreunions.travel to drive to their family reunion planning page and www.royalcaribbeanhawaii.travel for their Hawaii cruises.

5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Travel Domain Name
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With so many options available, get creative and choose a domain (or bundle of domains) that clearly communicates who you are and what you do. Your URL will give you extra visibility to searching customers, and they’ll be glad they found someone who provides exactly what they’re looking for.

Find your travel domain name now

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About the author

Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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